
肉巻き卵/Egg with pork roll up


カテゴリ 肉, たまご 所要時間 30分 分量 2人分


A filling dish made with soft boiled egg and pork.
Rolls are coated with sweet-and-salty sauce and go well with rice.It is also a good side dish for a lunch box.


4個/ 4 eggs
豚薄切り肉 8枚(約120g)/ 8 thin sliced pork loin (about 120g)
A しょうゆ 大さじ1/ 1 tbsp soy sauce(15ml)
A 酒 大さじ1/ 1 tbsp sake(15ml)
A みりん 大さじ1/ 1 tbsp sweet sake(15ml)
A 砂糖 大さじ1/4/ 1/4 tbsp sugar(3.75ml)
薄力粉 適量/ some flour
サラダ油 適量/ some cooking oil


  1. 鍋に卵がかぶる位の湯を沸かし、卵をそっといれて6分半ゆでる。ボウルに氷水を用意し、6分半ゆでた卵をいれ、粗熱がとれたら殻をむく。 Bring a pan with enough water to the boil.Reduce the heat to low and gently place the eggs in a pan and cook for six and a half minutes. Put the eggs in cold water to cool the eggs.Tap the eggs on a hard surface and peel the shell off.
  2. Aを混ぜ合わせる。 Put A into a bowl and mix well.
  3. 2枚の豚肉で1つの卵を十字に覆うように巻きつけ、全体に薄力粉をまぶす。 Wrap each egg with two strips of pork (one vertically and wrap another horizontally)and make four rolls. Coat each roll with flour.
  4. フライパンに油をいれて熱し、③の巻き終わりが下になるように並べて中火で転がしながら焼く。 Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Put the rolls in the pan.Face the end of the strips down.Turn the rolls until browned all over.
  5. 肉全体に焼き色がついたら余分な脂をペーパータオルでふき取り、Aを入れて照りがでるまで煮からめる。 Use paper towel to remove excess oil.Add A and cook until it's thickened.
  6. ⑤を器にもりつけ、フライパンに残ったソースを回しかける。 Put the rolls on a serving plate and pour the sauce from step ⑤.

肉巻き卵/Egg with pork roll up



Wrap the egg firmly with the pork strips.
Use hard boiled eggs for a lunch box.
